Last Saturday looked promising as I was getting ready to drive the hour and forty minutes that take me to get to Corporation, Cape Cod. Steve, Igor and I were talking about it on iwindsurf for the past three days, and Jim from Sailworld also had mentioned the spot to me. I got there first, at 8 AM, not a soul, cold but windy!!!
Steve got there a few minutes later, and then Igor (he had to get the ice out of his windsurfing van...)
Me and Igor got a great introduction to the spot in the morning, with benign 13-20 mph wind, and friendly waves...
By noon the wind dropped, time for a lunch break. After lunch, Igor went out, on his big stuff, and we saw him take off... I sailed until the wind started ripping the boom off my hands, time to go back, this is no time of the year for "just one more run..."
OK, too many words, here are some pics...
Jibing? Guess what happened one second later ;)
Steve on a run...
Two tough guys...
One more...